

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Play things for Playing House - Letter H

Hobby - something that one likes to do or study in one's spare time; favorite pastime or avocation.  If your particular hobby requires any kind of equipment, you need a place to store it. If you are lucky, you have a room.  If not, you have to find space somewhere in your home to store the scissors, glue, paper, ribbon, - I could go on and on - just it depends on your hobby.
One of my favorite play things in my home is a green cabinet, inherited from my mother-in-law, which she used for her sewing supplies (her hobby for many, many years).  The cabinet came from my father-in-law's office - an old fashion filing cabinet - discarded for being out of date.  They painted it green; a color that is now trendy.  The cabinet holds my supplies for my hobbies - such as they are.  I have thought about repainting the cabinet, but the color is now current again and everyone likes "chippy" furniture.  It is placed in my 2nd guest room where the sewing machine is set up all the time.

When the cabinet became ours, I cleaned it out some, but I left the spools and spools of thread, ribbons, rickrack, lace, and implements of sewing.  I still had enough room in several drawers for what I wanted to store.
I must admit before taking the photos for this blog, I organized the drawers and cleaned. (Found a few items I had forgotten about!)

My toes managed to photo bomb.

My bead drawer - baby food jars hold LOTS of beads.
My favorite craft is to make/embellish gift tags.  I have stored ribbons, stickers, paper tags, glue, flowers, buttons in the drawers.  I can sew, thanks to my mother-in-law, who tried to teach me to make a dress using a pattern.  I never got the hang of patterns.  As they say, if you can sew a straight line, you can do this---that's me - straight line crafts.  My ventures into sewing have included diaper bags, heart pin cushions, burp diapers, curtains, and garment repairs.  This past Christmas I combined creating a gift paper tag and sewing.  I sewed a paper design of a Ball jar on top of Christmas scrapbook paper.

As for the small cabinets sitting on top of my hobby cabinet, they will be discussed in some future posts.

Until the next letter...



  1. Theresa,

    Love the color of the cabinet. I would have filed it under A for Amazing. :)

    Have a great day rock star!

  2. This cabinent is truly swoon worthy. The color is perfection. I can only imagine the treasures it stores.
