

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Play things for Playing House Letter B

Gathering Play Things while Playing House – continues with the letter “B.”  My favorite letter of the alphabet next to “T.”  LOL…

I remember my first crush on blue and white items.  My grandmother  (Granny) had a Blue Willow tea cup and saucer sitting above her sink in her apartment kitchen.   I have very fond memories of visiting her and arriving to the smell of her “tea cake” cookies baking.  Oh my oh my!  

Blue and white items slowly entered my life.  I never thought of it as a collection, but obviously I am drawn to it.  I’ve had many everyday dish sets over our married life.  I finally received the Blue Willow dishes for everyday use.  Even now, having moved on to Fiestaware’s plain white dishes, I can’t let go of my blue and white set.  In our new home, my collection settled into a cupboard in our guest room. 

Another “B” collection, that “arrived” lately, is my gathering of Bibles, previously owned by other family members.  When downsizing (or sadly emptying) a grandparent or parent's home you run across Bibles from shelves or cupboards.  You’ll set them aside.  What to do with them?  Their end should not be at half-price stores, or donations to agencies, and even to the church.  They belonged to a family member; it’s hard to let go.  That family member carried the Bible, held it in their lap, marked favorite verses, maybe shed a tear on a page.  So, I don’t let go.  I have one belonging to my husband's maternal great-grandmother.  I have those of parents, grandparents, my children, and even those of my youth.  I suppose I am still gathering as my husband gave me a “study Bible” a few years back while I was in the throes of several Bible study classes.  It’s the best one for me now for reference and reading.  

Before, there was the family Bible, bottom one.  It was a wealth of information for the paternal side of the family.

Found this printed ribbon tucked into the great grandmother's Bible.

Looking forward to the Letter C ---


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