Don’t you just love the idea of a “June Bride?” My mother was a June bride; my mother-in-law
was a June Bride; and NOW, my son will be a “June Groom.” Pausing for effect….
Yes, my son is getting married in June. The marriage has been a long----long----time
in coming----12 years this August to be exact.
Several major events happened along the way. Groom met his fiancé in the fall semester of
his freshman year in chemistry class at Texas A & M.
They both continued their studies at A&M, each achieving
a bachelor’s and master’s. He decided to
pursue a doctor’s degree in Forestry staying on at A & M, and she moved to
Starkville MS and Mississippi State to pursue her veterinarian degree and has
two more years to go. Aside from their
studies, they loved A & M and its traditions and events, traveled, fished,
improved the Groom’s home, and handled jobs--he as a data analyst and she as a
vet tech. Life was busy.

Groom's Master's achieved; Bride's "Coating" ceremony for Vet School
This past fall the Groom’s parents and sister as well as the Bride’s parents, sister, and grandmother were in on a little secret. There was finally going to be an official engagement. The ring was purchased, the plan was laid out, secret emails were sent. Mother Nature was not notified.
Both sides of the family were to meet on the A & M
campus so that the Groom, Bride, and their sisters could have photos taken for
“Christmas presents” for their respective parents. The December day was cold, blustery, rainy
and not at all what one wants for walking around the A & M campus – first
to the Student Center (closed for holidays), the Academic Building entrance, and
f.i.n.a.l.l.y the Century Tree. The Century Tree is known for being
conducive to engagements (another Aggie tradition). The tree is a
very old oak with its limbs gracefully falling toward the ground. One walks under its branches and finds a
concrete bench – also conducive to the bride-to-be sitting.
The Bride-to-be was not totally aware until
we reached the tree that she was about to become "a fiance'". Her loving patience had finally paid off! She had been a
trooper, walking in heels, without a jacket, shivering. She had not worn her contacts and therefore once
at the tree, did not notice her parents, grandmother, and sister congregated
under a far limb. The Groom quickly had
her sit, pulled out the ring and said the usual, “will you marry me?” It was a v.e.r.y happy moment and yes, it was
a long time in coming. Their parents
were in the background so honored to witness the actual engagement. Lots of photos were taken by the respective
sisters, but not obviously for Christmas presents. When we all came out from under
the tree, it was still cold, rainy and blustery, but now the atmosphere was
charged with anticipation and excitement for the future.
Here’s a love story whose telling in my post is dedicated the Bride & Groom as well as to
Karianne of Thistlewood Farms blog She loves a
good love story. She also provides
project ideas that are doable. The
wreath of silver frames idea was copied from her blog and made by me for the
wedding festivities, first for the rehearsal dinner and then
the wedding.
For the family and friends who live in Texas, or who will
travel to Texas, for a June wedding, pack your favorite fan. NOOO, not the kind you plug in, the kind you
hold! It’s an outside wedding. THIS time, Mother Nature has been notified—dial
down the temperature a notch or two, no rain, a pleasant summer’s
evening. PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteThis is so wonderful!!!!!!!!!! You go girl! I just posted about another blogger who made a version of the wreath, too and I'd love to post a link to this, too!
Happy Mother's Day to you!