Larry was thrilled recently when his Christmas present finally arrived. Yes, it was the end of January but that didn't matter. The winter is a good time to plant a tree.
We had a flower bed made directly across from the patio and 3 den windows. Right in the center the tree was planted. It was a 45 gallon Eagleston Holly. The Mockingbirds have already spotted the red berries. We have dwarf nandinas, pansies and dusty miller planted. The pansies will make way for some spring flowers later on. We added stone edging to the back flower bed and added the same in the front beds. We currently have pansies, dusty miller, and kale in the front with some daffodils yet to peak out of the ground. Left to do - add 2 wire trellis to the back area against the fence for flowering vines this spring and plant caladiums in the front and back (probably May).
We love walking by the den windows and looking out to the back yard now. I was interrupted while writing this post to help Larry hang his new bird feeder - thanks kids!
flower pot to the right is the wind gauge and rain gauge; the pot will be planted with a
flower of some kind in the spring.
Sure looks like winter - brown grass,, leafless trees by the creek |
Side view of flower bed
There is a tree toward the street and one just behind my shadow on the other corner. |
Photo taken from inside looking out.
Thanks to Carol's Bloomers of Anna, TX for the new view! |
How do you jump from a new tree in your yard to a Ph.D? Well, our son graduated from Texas A and M, College Station, TX, with his Ph.D. in Forestry this past December. Just a few photos...
Dad and Mom are proud parents. The graduation regalia is impressive. |
Son and his wife. |
His sister as well as my other family members attended graduation. Thanks
for your loving support of his achievement. |
2014 was a busy, happy year. Looking forward to 2015 and hoping to blog a little more than I have been.
As for the letter "J" - it would have been about our dog, Jasper. Let's just say I will let that letter pass and leave it be in his memory.