

Monday, December 8, 2014


My husband and I just returned from an overnight stay at the Gaylord in Grapevine, TX, which included tickets to the "ICE" show featuring "Frosty the Snowman."

I have done two posts on "H" and it dawned on me last night that I have the perfect subject for "I" in "ICE."  As we southerns are prone to do, we want to be sure there is plenty of ice for our tea and other important drinks!  We artfully arrange dump the cubes in our glass and pour the drink.  Although one could say "ice" is not a play thing for the home, it is important:  (1) when the storm takes down the electricity and food is going to spoil; (2) when the party is about to begin and you forgot to get extra ice; (3) when you need an ice pak for an injury, etc.  Dallasites also fear ice - the kind that falls from the sky, usually overnight, prompting school cancellations and work delays.  Dallas will shut down when there's an ice storm.

If one can have a "fond" memory of ice, I remember going with my Daddy to the local ice house to purchase a block of ice.  Yes, a block of ice - one GIANT ice cube.  We would stand at the dock and listen for it to slide down the shoot to the end.  Then the workman would pick it up with big tongs and set it in the ice chest.  I imagine we were purchasing a block for his fishing trip or, MAYBE, for hand cranked ice cream.

But on the the Gaylord and ICE...  I didn't take photos within the show once I put on my gloves.  The temperature inside the show was 9 degrees to keep the ice from melting. Toward the end I slipped off one glove to be able to tap my phone for a few photos.  Enjoy.  We thought the Gaylord was beautiful and definitely festive.  There were a lot of families there using the opportunity for a beautiful backdrop for a Christmas card.
Standing in line.

Almost ready to "suit up" 
 Note these are colored blocks of ice

Toy soldier made of colored ice; note the size the blocks at the base (clear)

Visitor wearing the furnished coats

Huge nativity scene made of clear ice

Gaylord Atrium

Atrium - plenty of places to pose for a photo

Santa requires LARGE boots when he visits Texas

View from our 5th floor room.  To the left is an oil derrick lined in lights.  Below us
was the place to have your photo taken with Santa.  
At the Hickory Restaurant where we had dinner--tree made of wood sleds

Tree in background handing from ceiling.

View of atrium from elevator this morning
Perfect setting for getting into the Christmas spirit.  So glad we went!


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Deck the Halls

I'm back - never abandoned the blog world - but reusing my blog to communicate with family and friends today.  I skipped over "I" moving on to "H" for the season of decking the HALLS of your home.  For a couple of days, I played house by decorating it for Christmas - HELLO RED!
I have a lot of photos - some good - some okay.  I promised Louise I'd post as soon as the sun came out, which it did today.

Welcome - Merry Christmas

Entry table

Christmas in the office

If the newly married couple come in for a few days, I'll add their stockings.

Guest bedroom - flipped the duvet to the solid grey side & added the recently found red pillows in my linens.

Larry likes to read the newspaper at the table in the morning.  To compromise I placed the
centerpiece vignette at the end of the table - out of the way.  Silver balls with blue snowflakes
hanging at each window.

My newest collection - Vietri Old St. Nick dishes.  Stocking hold flatware.  Centerpiece arrangement is in a old sewing machine drawer.  

One end of the mantel

I love red cars and trucks with Christmas trees tied on.  Made my own....

Small trivet on top of refrigerator

Made this arrangement this year.  Hmmmmm, I seem to be peeking out of the arrangement!

My "partridge" is on the limb at the top right corner.

Add caption

A "pocket" purchased in Asheville, NC, this summer, holding holly,
hanging on lamp in den.

Master bedroom; ramping up the red in the house!

Good Morning/Night pillows - had for some time; berry wreath pillow new; cover from
Pottery Barn - not new but "rediscovered"

Mantel- outside patio
Thanks for visiting.  Hope you enjoyed our home.
I apologize for letting my few readers down.  There really wasn't much going on I felt like blogging about.  Mid-fall our wonderful dog, Jasper passed.  That was particularly hard on us.
We are looking forward to seasonal activities - a visit to the Gaylord in Grapevine, TX and the Dallas Arboretum for the 12 Days of Christmas night exhibits.  Of course our neighborhood is lit up brightly and to copy a phrase, "it's beginning to look like Christmas!"